November Family Fun: 31 Ways to Celebrate
There’s so much to celebrate in November!
It’s Family Stories Month. While the 2020 lockdown means that most of us won’t be attending family gatherings for Thanksgiving this year, it has opened up the opportunity to connect with loved ones virtually—including that distant aunt or cousin we wouldn’t normally see at Thanksgiving.
Want to avoid awkward lulls in the conversation during your family’s Thanksgiving Zoom call? Our Thanksgiving Playdate [Coming Soon] has games, activities, and talking prompts to keep the conversation flowing.
Every single day in November, there’s something to celebrate and make fun. Be creative and let me know how you spend your special days.
Cinnamon Day
Enjoy the flavor and scent all day. Make cinnamon toast or cinnamon rolls together for breakfast. Light a cinnamon candle*. Warm up a cool autumn day with spiced apple cider. #CinnamonDay
Plan Your Epitaph Day
What should the world remember about you? Can you sum up what’s most important to you in just a few words? Celebrate the day after Day of the Dead Day with #PlanYourEpitaphDay.
Cliche Day
How many overused expressions can you use today? Dust off your old favorites, and throw in some 2020 cliches like “new normal” or “in these uncertain times.” Eye rolling is optional on #ClicheDay.
National Candy Day
SWEET! Do you prefer chocolates, hard candies, or sticky, soft chews? What was your favorite candy as a kid that’s hard to find now? I loved Zotz* and Bottlecaps*. #NationalCandyDay
National Men Make Dinner Day
Take charge of the kitchen, guys! Whether you love to cook, or tend to stay far away from the stove, today’s the day to break free from stereotypes and hone your culinary skills. No takeout allowed! #MenMakeDinnerDay
National Nachos Day
What do you like on your nachos? Make a stack with your kids and enjoy the cheesy goodness on #NationalNachosDay.
Combine today's Nachos Day with Fibbonacci Day on the 23rd and you get...Fibbonachos!
Little League Girls Day
Grab your glove and go play catch with your kids. Then enjoy the story of the All-American Girls Baseball League in A League of Their Own*. There’s no crying on #LittleLeagueGirlsDay.
Abet and Aid Punsters Day
A good pun is its own reword. Celebrate your favorite punny wordplay today—and give them more than just a groan for #AbetAndAidPunstersDay.
Go to an Art Museum Day
You can visit art museums around the world—from the Met, to the Louvre, to the Ufizzi Gallery—all in one day with virtual tours. #GoToAnArtMuseumDay
Sesame Street Day
What’s your favorite segment or character from Sesame Street? Watch it together with your kids on #SesameStreetDay.
Origami Day
Explore what shapes you can create by folding paper*. #OrigamiDay
Guinness World Records Day
Grab the latest book of world records* for hours of shocking fun facts. #GuinnessWorldRecordsDay
World Kindness Day
Do something just to be nice. #World KindnessDay
American Teddy Bear Day
A snuggly friend can provide lots of comfort during difficult times. Introduce your favorite bear to a friend with our Teddy Bear Talk Show Playdate. [Coming Soon] #AmericanTeddyBearDay
I Love to Write Day
Write a story or a poem together. Write down your kids’ favorite bedtime story. Or check Purple Pencil Adventures for fun writing prompts on #ILoveToWriteDay.
National Button Day
Step aside, zippers and velcro: today’s the day we celebrate the lowly button! Count them*, sort them, use them to hold your clothes together...where would we be without buttons? #ButtonDay
National Take a Hike Day
Find a trail and enjoy the great outdoors, together. #NationalTakeAHikeDay
National Princess Day
Treat her like royalty, just for today. National #PrincessDay
National Play Monopoly Day
Work your way around the Monopoly* board. Watch out for those hotels! #NationalPlayMonopolyDay
Name Your PC Day
Does your computer have a name? Today’s the day to give it one! #NameYourPCDay
World Hello Day
Make someone smile and help promote international peace through interpersonal communication. Say hello to 10 people today—at a safe distance or online. #WorldHelloDay
Go For a Ride Day
In a car, on a bike, on a bus, in a plane… Get out of the house for a little while and discover something new, together. #GoForARideDay
Fibonacci Day
See how math is found in nature. Learn more about #FibonacciDay, then go take a walk and see how many you spot.
Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day
What can you do that others can’t? Hold an online talent show on Zoom and share your special skills with your family and friends. #CelebrateYourUniqueTalentDay
National Juke Box Day
Play some oldies tunes* and have a 50s-style dance party on National #JukeboxDay.
Celebrate all you have to be thankful for with your loved ones. Download virtual #Thanksgiving activities and conversation prompts to help everyone connect. [Coming Soon]
National Day Of Listening
Talk to relatives at Thanksgiving and record their stories to preserve part of your family history. #DayOfListening
National French Toast Day
Enjoy a delicious breakfast with your kids. What do you put on your french toast? #NationalFrenchToastDay
National Square Dance Day
Learn a few moves and have a fun square dance party with your kids for National #SquareDanceDay.
National Mason Jar Day
Make some Mason Jar* holiday gifts together with your kids. Here are 44 ideas from National #MasonJarDay
I hope you enjoy your celebrations together all month long this November.
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